How would you create a PLN prior to engaging in a social media campaign on a topic of your choice?
I would create a PLN on the basis of asking-and-listening, leveraging technology, and broad diversity (Woods, 2013). It is crucial to to create a PLN amongst people who not only share similarities with you, but also differences. As much as we like to relate to people and create connections that we know are safe and reliable, I also think it’s just as important to surround your PLN with people who challenge your views. However, Woods exclaims that all PLN’s are different, and thus it is important to try and not force these connections, but rather find what works for you and understand that “your PLN can only be fruitful if it reflects you” (2013, p. 71). Personally, I would try to find comfort in differences, and simply actively listen and ask about that persons experiences, and hope that they ask about mine in return. Listening to the experiences and life events of those around you will strengthen your PLN, as you can further broaden your own perspective.

I would leverage technology in hopes of reaching as large of an audience as I can. Social media is advantageous in the way that you can reach not only people you know, but those that you have never or will never meet as well. I would possibly take advantage of backchannels, like on Twitter, where conversations continue, and interactions are exchanged. Additionally, exchanging material across different forms of social media would also keep the conversation relevant and supported. Being active across these different groups and conversations increases the flow of information you receive and give back. Not only is it important to be the one sharing information, but it is just as important to embrace it. In my learning pod, we talked about how grand of an effect just taking the time to listen and learn about the different array of identities people have. Their cultures, experiences, values, and how these play in conjunction to you, your positionality, and online digital identity with the media you consume. Embracing things you identify and share similarities with is ideal, but so is being challenged by various other perspectives. This is how you broaden diversity amongst your PLN, and create a surrounding community around yourself that is diverse, empathetic, challenging, and respectful.
Woods, B. (2013, November). Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network. T+D, 67(11).